Design 2B: Experimental Computing

Generative Poster



  • Unlike print design, digital design evolves and exists in multiple contexts.
  • For this assignment, I’d like you to create a poster generator that creates a variety of different results when you run it.
  • Think about an overarching idea for your generator. What kind of parameters will be in place to define the results? How much variation are you hoping to achieve? How will the generator change? On it’s own with time, a new result everytime you refresh the page, with the mouse, by clicking on it, with sound, with your face??
  • Once you create your generator, create a series of 6 posters from it. Your posters should be generated using the save function discussed in class on Week 11.
  • All of the posters need to be the same size. You can either do a square aspect ratio (1:1), or a standard poster aspect ratio (2:3). The size will depend on how you crop your posters, but I’d aim for a width of at least 1200 px
  • Create a website that houses a gallery of the six posters as well as a link to the generator. All parts of the project should feel consistent with one another. The gallery must include:
  • A way to look at all 6 posters
  • A link to the generator
  • A project title (please try to come up with something more creative than “Generative Poster Project”)
  • A description explaining the concept of your project (a brief description!). What interests you about it, what you were exploring, were there any precedents or research you discovered?
  • A favicon

Learning Timeline

  • 03/14 – Introduce p5.js
  • 03/28 – Learn about generative patterns
  • 04/04 – Introduce interactivity + animations to make dynamic compositions & incorporating p5 into a website
  • 04/11 – More Variation with input/output, logistics regarding the posters and creating the gallery
  • 04/18 - Project is Due